Regardless of the lack of posting here, I haven't starved, in fact I have tried some new recipes and enjoyed some cooking adventures.
Last year was the first time I have ever had a persimmon, and I find I really like them, maybe someday I will have a persimmon tree next to my blueberry bushes :). In case you are wondering I don't have the blueberry bushes yet either, but one can dream. Well, I somehow got it in my head that I wanted to make persimmon cookies, so after a trip to Cincinnati to visit my sister and a stop at Jungle Jim's I headed home with 4 persimmons, plenty enough for a batch of cookies....and boy were they good, or at least I thought so.
A ripe Hichiya Persimmon for anyone who is curious, make sure the persimmon you set out to enjoy is ripe ..... or you won't like the experience.
The persimmon puree ready for cookies.
The finished cookies, they also had craisins and pecans in them, but I made a few without the extras and I liked them that way also.
My desire to try a persimmon, came mostly from my Great Aunt Anna, who was known to climb out on the porch roof to pick persimmons from her tree even in her nineties. I always admired her and still miss going to visit her now that she has gone to be with the Lord.
Great Aunt Anna showing me how her nut cracker worked. Here she is at 97, she shelled 40 lbs of pecans for people that Christmas.
So you never managed a cracker or a sliver of bread with Aunt Anna's persimmon preserves when we visited in the summer/fall? I wonder how I got so lucky!