Monday, April 10, 2017

H is for ....Happy Salads

Today you get to meet one of my favorite cookbooks.  It has made the Travelling Spoons blog before, just not during April.  I met "Leon" not the actual Leon but the restaurant one day as I was strolling around London and needed to find a place to have lunch.  I had a delicious meal and loved the atmosphere and was instantly drawn to the many cookbooks they had for sale.  This day I was able to overcome my impulse to buy one...mostly because of the thought of carrying a heavy cookbook around for the rest of the day.  Well, I bought one when I got home off of amazon....and later I bought some more....   The most recent one of I have acquired is called "Happy Salads".  It is an inspiration to eat more salad, I initially saw it and wanted to buy it for a birthday gift for my good friends birthday, because she makes the best salads, but couldn't resist getting one for myself also.

Every salad I have made out of it so far has met approval.  In an early post - the "B" post, I served a salad with our Pizza-in-a-Burger and it just happened that that salad was from this book also.  Today I am going to share with you Leon's Mexican Salad.

First I lightly fried my peppers in my cast iron skillet - they were to be grilled
but I wasn't looking to grill today, so this worked. 

And it was to be grilled corn on the cob...which would have been fabulous,
but it is not the right time of the year for that.

Chorizo, looks like one is being stole, before it made it to the salad...
Mix that all up together with halved tomatoes.
Slice the peppers before adding them.
Cut up corn tortillas and crisp them up for 10 minutes in the oven.

Toss the dressing over the veggies and mix.

Place the greens in a bowl and then top with the veggies and gently fold together.
After that garnish with tortilla straws.
If it is a beautiful day like we had, eat outside.


  1. Ooh that looks really yum - going to look into this book!

  2. Another great recipe. I'm into pressed salads right now and figuring out the best ingredient combinations. It's like being a chemist!

  3. What a yummy looking salad! That book sounds wonderful... love the title.

    Trudy @ Reel Focus
    Food in Film: Hot Dogs

  4. So glad I dropped by! We are avid cooks and I will definitely be trying that one.
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance on Twitter from
    Katy Trail Creations

  5. I love the name of your blog. That salad looks very yummy, though time intensive. A more of a throw-it-in-a-bowl-and-call-it-a-salad kind of a person! Love to see more of them, though.

    A to Z Challenge: Hiccup

    Isa-Lee Wolf

    A Bit 2 Read

  6. I am so hoping my daffodils open by Sunday.
