Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for ... Johnny Rockets, the OSU 50 Yard Line, and Tarts With Strawberry Jam

Sometimes food isn't about the food at all. Sometimes its just a cup of coffee and a mug of hot chocolate while two sisters reminisce and plot future world domination. Cough. I mean life domination. Okay, maybe just planning out future incentives for getting more regular running into our lives.

We ended a nice Saturday afternoon at Johnny Rockets.  Back in our college days, we ate a lot of fries, slurped our way through quite a few milkshakes, and listened to our fair share of songs on the jukebox at this Columbus Johnny Rockets.

We started out the day with a snow watch .  Then, when it cleared, we headed for the Ohio State campus, and a stadium tour.  Tinbugs is a Stadium Scholarship dorm alumn.  Sadly, there is no longer a dorm in the walls of the stadium as the space was needed for other departments.

In case you are an OSU fan, here are a few more pictures. Go Bucks!

In the band room.

Is this where Tinbugs room used to be? 

Looking down on the field from the media box.
Checking out the box seats.

Having fun.
Standing on the O at center field

A view of one of the stained glass windows.

And a few more snaps from Johnny Rockets.

Planning Some Running Goals: We Can Do It!

Tinbugs faced a few more snow squalls on her way home.

But she was kind enough to carry a few eggless tarts north with her as a my belated birthday offering for Mom Quiltpeaces and Colonel Mustard. Here's  Mom Quiltpeaces enjoying her tart with a slather of strawberry jam and a dollop of yogurt.  I might have to try that....

**The pictures are courtesy of Tinbugs. 


  1. Do I remember my university days. Then I could eat as many french fries as I wanted and didn't have to worry about the weight gain. Thank you for a look into your university days. This post was very interesting.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

    1. there is that! the fries do seem to hang around more every year. and take more effort to send them on their way. sigh.

  2. Replies
    1. It was very nice! and a good chance to spend a little time with my sister

  3. Enjoyed the glimpses into the Stadium and @ Johnny Rockets. Thanks to for the taste of the delicious tarts with jam & yogurt. They were delicious even after their long transport:)

  4. i wanted to go to OSU for the MARCHING BAND!!

    1. Even though I am not exactly what you would call big sports fan, the OSU marching band is pretty awesome. Haaaang on Sloopy. Hang On....
